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The Stars of the Off-Broadway Musical Camp Morning Wood Talk Iconic Nude Scenes, Camp Classics & World Pride Recommendations

Last updated June 20th, 2019 by Camp Morning Wood
The Stars of the Off-Broadway Musical Camp Morning Wood Tal…

Photo by Michael Wiltbank

This Pride Month pitch a tent with the LOL musical Camp Morning Wood

. The show is a fabulous blend of Rocky Horror and Naked Boys Singing as a newly engaged gay couple finds themselves accidentally stranded at a gay nudist camp. The limited engagement runs off-Broadway at Playwrights Horizons Through July 7 and features a talented, young (and naked!) company of newcomers.
Camp Morning Wood GIF Musical

Scroll on as BroadwayBox gets to know five of the show’s standout performers as we talk iconic nude scenes, camp classics, and World Pride recommendations.

Michael Witkes (Kincaid)

Michael Witkes-Camp Morning Wood-Off Broadway Musical-Interview
Photo by Michael Wiltbank

1. What’s a camp classic you think every gay man should visit this pride?
If you’ve never gone to a viewing of Rocky Horror Picture Show, they screen it (once a month I believe) at Cinépolis in Chelsea! 

2. How do you mentally and physically prepare to be naked in your show every night?
That’s actually not something I put too much thought into! I just prepare as I would for any show—making sure my body and voice are warmed up and I have high energy. Physically, I have definitely been to the gym more in the last few weeks though!

3. What’s been your most memorable performance or rehearsal moment so far?
Opening night was a big thrill! The audience was laughing at everything and so down for a good time. I definitely fed off of that energy. I’ve also just loved getting to know everyone in the cast and creative team. It’s such a fun group of people to work with. 

4. For you specifically, what’s the most iconic nude scene in film and why?
I’m trying to think of something gay, but nothing immediately comes to mind! The pool scene in Cruel Intentions probably helped me discover my sexuality at a young age, so let’s go with that. 

5. What do you love about coming to work each day on Camp Morning Wood?
I love the energy in the dressing room as everyone’s getting ready. We’re definitely a brotherhood. But I also absolutely LOVE playing this character. He’s so incredibly extra! I get to perform in heels, angel wings and glitter! What’s not to love?! 

6. For LGBT people visiting NYC for World Pride, what’s one gay haunt you’d recommend?
If you want good drag, go to Hardware Bar. Or see Lagoona Bloo, Rosè and Brita Filter at Therapy Bar every Thursday night! 

Tim Garnham (Gabe)

Tim Garnham-Camp Morning Wood-Off Broadway Musical-Interview
Photo by Michael Wiltbank

1. What’s a camp classic you think every gay man should visit this pride?
Well definitely Stonewall should be paid a visit this Pride, considering it’s 50 years since the Stonewall riots that began the change for our community. As a young gay man, it’s important we remember the generations who fought before us. They're the reason we can be as we are today, but there is still bigotry and hate, so it’s important to know the fight hasn’t stopped.

2. How do you mentally and physically prepare to be naked in your show every night?
Admittedly, I go to the gym, for my own anxiety sake, but the show is really about body positivity and embracing who you are, so I feel silly for worrying. The boys are all so supportive of each other and the nudity is such a non-issue at this point. 

3. What’s been your most memorable performance or rehearsal moment so far?
Probably our opening night. We had a crazy tech week(s) and everyone was over-tired. Our audience for our official open gave us the boost we needed and it was a great show. We even got a standing ovation.

4. For you specifically, what’s the most iconic nude scene in film and why?
I think seeing Kevin Bacon in Wild Things for that hot second in the shower confirmed to my young self that I was gay.

5. What do you love about coming to work each day on Camp Morning Wood?
The comradery, the brotherhood, and the fun that we all have together as a cast and crew. Everyone is amazing and I really mean that. The sweetest souls ever.

6. For LGBT people visiting NYC for World Pride, what’s one gay haunt you’d recommend?
New York is a terrific place for fetish parties.  Underwear Parties.  Suds parties. Even – dare I say – naked social events. I encourage everyone to try something new.  It could be one of the most freeing experiences you’ll ever have.

Alex Gagné (Randy)

Alex Gagné-Camp Morning Wood-Off Broadway Musical-Interview
Photo by Michael Wiltbank

1. What’s a camp classic you think every gay man should visit this pride?
At the very least, everyone should rewatch To Wong Fu, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar. It’s the campiest good time you’ll have on film. 

2. How do you mentally and physically prepare to be naked in your show every night?
I don’t really. From the start, I asked myself: “Do I love myself?” “Is my body beautiful?” Both the answers were yes so there was no question after that. 

3. What’s been your most memorable performance or rehearsal moment so far?
This whole experience is one for the books. I couldn’t possibly decide. 

4. For you specifically, what’s the most iconic nude scene in film and why?
The interrogation scene in Deadly Attraction. YouTube it. 

5. What do you love about coming to work each day on Camp Morning Wood?
Getting to work with such a positive and talented ensemble. Everyone is killing it and the material is hilarious. 

6. For LGBT people visiting NYC for World Pride, what’s one gay haunt you’d recommend?
I’d say if you’re 21 or older to go to any smaller gay bar in the city. Give your patronage to the less infamous night spots, that’s where you’ll find New York Pride. 

Ethan Gwynne (Titus)

Ethan Gwynne-Camp Morning Wood-Off Broadway Musical-Interview
Photo by Michael Wiltbank

1. What’s a camp classic you think every gay man should visit this pride?
My favorite camp film would definitely have to be The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.

2. How do you mentally and physically prepare to be naked in your show every night?
For me, I personally like to be around the fellow company members and just talk to them. It’s very important for me to have the trust and the bond with them. When I’m naked on stage, the only thing that keeps me from feeling vulnerable is the energy of the other men. If I have insecure moments on stage I can simply look at them and any nerves I have instantly gone. 

3. What’s been your most memorable performance or rehearsal moment so far?
The most memorable moment for me was the first day on stage when we had to run the show naked for the first time. We all automatically had big smiles on our faces.  And doing the choreography nude for the first time added a whole new element to the songs. The experience ended up being on big party on stage because we all were having the time of our lives.

4. For you specifically, what’s the most iconic nude scene in film and why?
I’m a big Sci-fi fan, and the nude scene that stick out for me would have to be the scene in the movie Terminator. When Arnold first appeared in the film coming from the future. For me as a kid I thought that was the coolest thing ever. 

5. What do you love about coming to work each day on Camp Morning Wood?
The best part about coming to work is seeing all the fellow company members and production team.  We all have bonded so much through this process that all of us have developed a brotherhood with one another. We have learned how to support one another when the support is needed. And also give each other space when needed.  Due to the fact we are naked 90 percent of the time, all barriers we have come down and we just goof off and have fun back stage.  

6. For LGBT people visiting NYC for World Pride, what’s one gay haunt you’d recommend?
For me a fun LGBT hangout place would have to be Industry Bar or Barcade depending on your mood. If you’re in the mood to dance head on down to Industry for a decent divers’ crowd. But go to Barcade for some classic arcade and drinks if you’re in a more low-key type of mood.

Brady Vigness (Jacques)

Brady Vigness-Camp Morning Wood-Off Broadway Musical-Interview
Photo by Michael Wiltbank

1. What’s a camp classic you think every gay man should visit this pride?
Besides Camp Morning Wood? Because we are now a modern classic, I mean are we making it a movie yet?… But… Mommie Dearest, Rocky Horror, any of the John Waters movies!

2. How do you mentally and physically prepare to be naked in your show every night?
I have found that I’m really enjoying being naked. I guess this show has unleashed my inner nudist. So, once I ripped off the band aid in rehearsal, it got easier and feels empowering more than anything, and now it’s just like doing a “clothed” show. But how boring does that sound now! Naked forever!

3. What’s been your most memorable performance or rehearsal moment so far?
We have had some fabulously vocal audiences. When they figure out some of the plot twists, which I won’t give away, it’s always funny when people call them out. It feels very Rocky Horror.

4. For you specifically, what’s the most iconic nude scene in film and why?
Sharon Stone, Basic Instinct. That changed the game I think for nude scenes and their purpose.

5. What do you love about coming to work each day on Camp Morning Wood?
These boys! Our naked camaraderie, as Jacques would say, “I love working with this group.” It’s been a stressful, fast process…but everyone is just so supportive and lovely.

6. For LGBT people visiting NYC for World Pride, what’s one gay haunt you’d recommend?
Stonewall is obvious! 50th anniversary! But…I also think Julius is a great place full of history. The oldest gay bar in NYC, right!? 

Camp Morning Wood Musical off Broadway
Photo by Michael Wiltbank

Don’t miss these guys in Camp Morning Wood at off-Broadway’s Playwrights Horizons Theatre through July 7.
