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Get to Know 50 Shades! The Musical Sexy Trio, Daniel Bentley, Casey Renee Rogers & Alec Varcas

Last updated July 14th, 2014 by Josh Ferri
Get to Know 50 Shades! The Musical Sexy Trio, Daniel Bentle…

The off-Broadway musical adaption of the steamy bestseller 50 Shades of Grey is one of the most shockingly funny pieces of theatre you can find in New York City. But fear not book fans looking to get turned on by Christian and Anastasia’s story of sexual dominance, 50 Shades! The Musical also features a trio of performers who are too hot to handle: Daniel Bentley, Casey Renee Rogers & Alec Varcas. Below, we get to know each a little bit better.

Daniel Bentley (Taylor)

Daniel Bentley- 50 Shades

1. In my opinion, the sexiest mainstream film or book of all-time:
My favorite mainstream film that defines sexy is Showgirls. Not very good but it is sexy.

2. My secret to staying 50 Shades fit is:
I workout practically everyday and eat my veggies. :)

3. The most common response I hear after friends or family have been to the show:
It sounds cliche but the common response that I get is "Great job! Nice bod!"

4. The song that makes me feel sexy and confident every time I hear it:
Robin Thicke: "I Need Love."

5. I have read all the 50 Shades books, true or false:
Uhhhh false.

Casey Renee Rogers (Inner Goddess)

Casey Renee Rogers- 50 Shades

1. In my opinion, the sexiest mainstream film or book of all-time:
I'm a personal fan of campy-sexy (I mean Eyes Wide Shut was totally hot, but c'mon, what the hell was going on?) so I'm gonna say it's a tie between Showgirls and Moulin Rouge.

2. My secret to staying 50 Shades fit is:
Taking, teaching, and being obsessed with spin classes.

3. The most common response I hear after friends or family have been to the show:
"Omg, that was so hilarious!" and/or "I'm drunk, can we get Shake Shack?"

4. The song that makes me feel sexy and confident every time I hear it:
Nina Simone's "Feeling Good.”

5. I have read all the 50 Shades books, true or false:

Alec Varcas (Elliot)

Alec Varcas- 50 Shades

1. In my opinion, the sexiest mainstream film or book of all-time:
There are a lot of sexy movies, but I'm going to have to say Cruel Intentions is probably the sexiest movie I can think of. I'm also a hopeless romantic though and would put Titanic on the top of that list because it is an amazing story; plus that car scene with the hand on the window is steamy to say the least.

2. My secret to staying 50 Shades fit is:
I go the gym almost every day and I try to eat generally healthy. I will admit that I am a sucker for chocolate and ice cream though and can never turn them down.

3. The most common response I hear after friends or family have been to the show:
The most common thing people say to me is "I didn't know what to expect, but that was hysterical! I loved it. I want to come back with some of my other friends."

4. The song that makes me feel sexy and confident every time I hear it:
“Rocket” by Beyoncé. If that song isn't sexy, then I don't know what is.

5. I have read all the 50 Shades books, true or false:
False. If I'm being honest, I didn't know much about the story when I booked the show. I read through the first book as we were starting rehearsals, and then my mom insisted on telling me all about the second and third book once I finished the first one.

See Daniel Bentley, Casey Renee Rogers and Alec Varcas live in ‘50 Shades! The Musical’ at the Elektra Theatre in Times Square.
