Five-time Tony Award nominee Jan Maxwell announced in an interview with Time Out New York that she was retiring from the stage, and that her current role in off-Broadway's Scenes from an Execution would be her last. Please respect our privacy during this time as we spend the morning in the fetal position re-watching some of our favorite Maxwell clips.

It seems like just yesterday that Jan Maxwell was slaying the house down (and racking up a ton of award noms) as passionate DC mover and shaker Hester Ferris in LCT's political drama City of Conversation.

Remember when she stole the show as Julie Cavendish in The Royal Family?

That same season she starred in Lend Me a Tenor, mixing Meryl's knack for accents and Carol Burnett's physical comedy. As we all know, it resulted in her being nominated for two Tony Awards that season. #Bless

Lest we forget before Laura Benanti made Elsa Schraeder a thing, Maxwell was serving it up in the '98 revival (no video, but the audio gives you enough here).

And here's just a peek at that icy, Tony-nominated Coram Boy performance (Begins at :58)

Plus there's all those amazing credits that don't have any video archives, so we have to kick it old school with production photos.

Ending in an endless spiral of Follies.(Including a bootleg but get over it; Jan Maxwell is retiring, people!)