BroadwayBox’s Ultimate Top 10 Tony Performances Series continues this week with our first guest blogger, the creative genius behind Broadway’s most-addicting web series Submissions Only, Andrew Keenan-Bolger. With four Broadway musicals under his belt (Newsies, Mary Poppins, Seussical and Beauty and the Beast), this amazing series (now airing its third season) and a memorable cameo on HBO’s Looking, AKB is what the next generation of Broadway is all about; and like us, he’s an unabashed theatre nerd and cheerleader. Below, Andrew Keenan-Bolger counts down his favorite Tony Awards’ performances, and check back next Friday for a new blogger’s top 10.
10. "You Can't Stop The Beat," Hairspray, 2003
Marissa Jaret Winokur and Matthew Morrison's energy in this number is absolutely infectious. How is anyone in this cast able to breathe?
9. "Welcome to My Party/When It Ends” The Wild Party, 2000
Michael John LaChiusa became my favorite composer the moment Celia gave me the Hello Again cast recording for Christmas when I was 12 years old (I was a precocious kid). I missed this production on Broadway but remember giving this performance a standing ovation in my living room in Detroit.
8. "Run, Freedom, Run!” Urinetown, 2002
Proving how egregiously overlooked he was during nominations, Hunter Foster freaking SLAYS this Act 2 showstopper.
7. "I Got Love,” Purlie, 1972
The first time I heard Melba Moore hit those alien high belty notes the only reaction I could muster after was laughter.
6. "I Will Never Leave You,” Side Show, 1998
Emily reaching over to wipe a tear from Alice's eye. I'm DEAD!
5. "And I Am Telling You,” Dreamgirls, 1982
My freshman year at Michigan, the year before YouTube was invented, I remember our MT History teacher rolling in a VCR and playing us this Tony performance. Picture, if you will, the sound of 26 jaws crashing to the floor.
4. "Ragtime,” Ragtime, 1998
This is my favorite opening number of any musical, and one of my most memorable moments in life was getting to play "The Little Boy," standing downstage center singing the final verse backed up by that insanely huge cast.
3. All Four of the 1991 Best Musical Nominees
1991 was the craziest year for the Tonys with Miss Saigon, The Will Rogers Follies, The Secret Garden and Once On This Island all competing against each other. The VHS of this year’s Tonys was a staple in the Keenan-Bolger's video collection.
2. "My Body,” The Life, 1997
The 1997 Tonys were the first ones that I ever got to see live. I remember losing my mind at the amount of earth-shaking power coming from these seven women. Also Sharon Wilkins' body rolls for the WIN!

1. "We'll Take A Glass Together,” The Grand Hotel, 1990
The unbridled glee from these two guys, paired with Michael Jeter's freakishly elastic body, makes this performance my number one favorite. The idea of getting to perform a song as joyous as this on stage at the Tonys never ceases to bring tears to my eyes.
Click here to see each previous bloggers' Top picks and check back each Friday for more.