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Meet Your New Crush: Mamma Mia Charmer Jon Jorgenson

Last updated March 10th, 2014 by Josh Ferri
Meet Your New Crush: Mamma Mia Charmer Jon Jorgenson

Jon Jorgenson is making his Broadway debut as the adorable young groom-to-be Sky in the long-running hit Mamma Mia. Whether he’s donning a wetsuit and or wedding gown, there’s just no taking your eyes off this charismatic young talent. BroadwayBox caught up with Jorgenson, who turns out to be just as charming off-stage, to get the lowdown on his signature dance moves, the podcast he works out to and one of his favorite sounds in all the world.

1. In 2014, I want to take a chance on
ME! No, sorry. Bad Mamma Mia! joke. Being more social. I can be kind of a hermit sometimes, so I think it would be good for me to get out more and make some real friends. My books and my laptop are nice, but they can have a real attitude sometimes.

2. My signature dance move is best described as
A white man doing Dreamgirls’ choreography to the chorus of Michael Jackson’s “PYT.” Something only those who knew me in college will ever understand.

3. I describe my personal style as
Whatever my girlfriend tells me is in style right now. Apparently you can’t go wrong with Urban Outfitters or J Crew.

4. The electronic I can’t live without is
My laptop. I love writing blog posts, poems, books, anything. Plus, the sound of punching keys on a keyboard is one of the top fives greatest sounds in the world.

5. When I younger, my dream was to be
A professional baseball player, or an astronomer. I don’t really see where acting fits in between those two, but I’m glad I ended up here!

6. My celebrity crush is
Charlize Theron. Not only has she aged perfectly; she’s an incredible actress.

7. My favorite thing to do on my day off is
Go find some really good New York food, and then eat it while reading a book.

8. The most-played album on my iPod is
Probably a Podcast actually. I listen to “This American Life” every week on the treadmill. It’s the best.

9. My favorite snack is
Cucumbers with guac. Don’t knock it ‘til you try it.

10. My dream vacation would take me to
Disneyland, or Disney World. I’ve never been to either, and I think I’m still enough of a kid to get the full experience.
