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Dynamic Duets: Meet La Soiree’s Hunky Acrobats Hamish McCann & Denis Lock

Last updated January 24th, 2014 by Josh Ferri
Dynamic Duets: Meet La Soiree’s Hunky Acrobats Hamish McCan…

If you have had the pleasure of spending an unforgettable evening at off-Broadway's sexy burlesque-inspired circus La Soiree, you will most definitely recall the show’s dynamic duet, The English Gents. Today, we better introduce you to the duo of Hamish McCann (center left) and Denis Lock (center right), an Australian acrobatic team that makes you want to purchase a bowler hat and never leave the gym again. Below the guys share some of the secrets behind their absolutely mind-blowing routine.

What was your first impression of your co-star?

Quiet and introverted


What do you think it is that makes your performances gel so well together?

The fact that we've been doing this act for so long...We're great friends off stage, so that makes it easy to work together. We both take a lot of pride in the act and we are constantly searching for ways to polish and enhance the act.

Ambition, friendship, and good old fashion desperation to make a living doing something ridiculous.

My favorite moment on stage with him is

Just after our performance, slapping each other on the back in congratulations when all the elements in the act have worked perfectly.

Every show is a bit of an adventure in some way, so each night is the new favorite.

The most memorable performance we shared has been

Towards the end of our routine, just after a we had finished the comedic strip, a very inebriated and disheveled female audience member stumbled onto stage and tried to dance with Denis during the routine.

Hamish's 30th birthday, we fell out of the one armed handstand on my head, to unintentionally fly kick the top of the hat rack off...very spectacular.

My co-star and I bond over

Beer, scotch and learning new acrobatic tricks. Not at the same time though.

New tricks we are learning, that we finally achieve, and clap hands like Chuck Norris and Charles Bronson boasting about grabbing some booby on a double date.

I’m envious of my co-star’s ability to

When someone loves themselves as much as I do, it's difficult to be envious of others. I think a lot of people are envious of Denis' intellect and focus. But I really admire his ability to view situations from a very unique and enlightened perspective.

Talk eloquently with absolutely anybody, as opposed to my taciturn grunts.
