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Six Times We Shouted 'Slay!' or 'Yas!' Watching Brandy Norwood’s Amazing Roxie in Chicago

Last updated July 29th, 2015 by Josh Ferri
Six Times We Shouted 'Slay!' or 'Yas!' Watching Brandy Norw…

God is good because you have a second chance to see Brandy Norwood tear the Ambassador Theatre down only to rebuild it as a church where you can go worship her performance as Roxie Hart…because she’s that good. Here are just six reasons why you need to run over to Chicago to see the Grammy winner from August 17-31.

“Funny Honey”

Brandy GIF- Brandy Norwood- Chicago GIF- Broadway- Roxie Hart

That ladder swings onstage, Brandy opens her mouth and it’s a whole new score—mid-song applause throughout. It takes actual restraint not to shout, “re-record the album” after the beauty and soul that is Ms. Norwood’s “Funny Honey”. It’s like honey the way her voice drips from note to note in that song. #SlayQueen

The Tap Dance Asking Amos for Trial Money

Brandy GIF- Brandy Norwood- Chicago GIF- Broadway- Roxie Hart- Dancing

But it’s not all about those out-of-this-world vocals, no Brandy's a legit TV star and those book scenes are fresh and funny (thanks Moesha). Legit LOLs watching her and Raymond Bokhour together as Roxie and Amos, especially in the scene she asks Amos to help fund her fee from Billy Flynn.

“They Both Reached for the Gun”

Brandy- They Both Reached for the Gun- Broadway
Photo by Jeremy Daniel

Again, Brandy plays well with others and the Billy Flynn scenes are sexy and funny, and there’s an air of suspense to them because lord knows what these two hotheads are going to get into at any given moment. The Roxie backstory scene prior to “They Both Reached For the Gun” is absolutely delicious then the number comes and it’s a true showstopper. Audience members were giddy at the sight of Brandy as the puppet. This musical in no way shows its age.


BroadwayBox has a ticket that sells for $59.50 and this number alone is worth the price of admission. Yes, you’ve seen it on the Today Show or Wendy Williams, but there is nothing like watching Brandy perform this on stage at the Ambassador. The star quality when she catches the light gives you chills. If that special replacement Tony ever happened, this number alone would get Brandy the nomination.

All the Baby Moments

Me and My Baby- Chicago- Brandy
Photo by Jeremy Daniel

I’m pretty sure I snapped in the theatre at some of the Act Two baby business that Brandy added in for Roxie Hart’s fake pregnancy.

The Trial

Brandy Norwood- Chicago- Headshot- Roxie-
Photo by Jason Bell

It's the climax of the musical and Brandy Norwood gives you everything she’s got, and it’s marvelous. The physicality, the humor, the star quality—it’s all there and the volume’s been turned on high. Then bam, legit despair when they don’t want to take her picture. Bravo, Brandy!

Brandy is back in 'Chicago' August 17-31.
