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What Is Hunyak the Hungarian Saying During Chicago's "Cell Block Tango"?

Last updated December 18th, 2015 by Josh Ferri
What Is Hunyak the Hungarian Saying During Chicago's "Cell …

Upon my umpteenth viewing of Broadway’s record-breaking revival of Chicago

a thought occurred: How do I still not know what the hell Hunyak is saying during “Cell Block Tango”?!

Hunyak, a Hungarian immigrant accused of murder, becomes the first woman in Cook County to be hanged for her crime even though it's clear she’s the only innocent murderess on that stage.

Cell Block Tango- Hungarian-
Photo by Catherine Ashmore

So using some free internet translation tools, the team here uncovered what Hunyak was trying to tell us in “Cell Block Tango”.

Mit keresek én itt? Azt mondják, a híres lakóm lefogta a férjem, én meg lecsaptam a fejét. De nem igaz. Én ártatlan vagyok. Nem tudom, miért mondja Uncle Sam, hogy én voltam. Próbáltam a rendõrségen megmagyarázni, de nem értették meg.

How did I find myself here? They say my famous lover (neighbor?) held down my husband and I cut his head off. But it's not true. I am innocent. I don't know why Uncle Sam says I did it. I tried to explain at the police station but they didn't understand.
Chicago- Cell Block

Mystery solved. Now go hence and enjoy Chicago anew at Broadway's Ambassador Theatre.
