Each day, the Bbox team trolls YouTube for the hot clip—sometimes it's a brand-new moment and sometimes it's a throwback to an oldie but goodie. No matter what praise hands are shot up, pearls are clutched and the repeat button is hit.
"The Secret of Happiness" (Megan McGinnis, Daddy Long Legs)
Ulterior Motive: Today is the historic live stream of the romantic off-Broadway musical, and we're giving away two free tickets to be in the room where it happens in today's #BboxLottery. So enter to see it in person or grab the one you love and watch it on their site.
Ultimate 🙌 🙌 moment: :30-:33—the slide from "pride" to "and".
GIF-able moment:

You can use this for an eye roll when you just can't even anymore or when you're waiting forever for your friend to respond.