Orlando native Sarah Meahl makes her Broadway debut as Gina, the aspiring movie star turned girl Friday to a famed Hollywood director, in Cirque du Soleil's stunning Broadway extravaganza Paramour. Meahl's Gina is half sexy siren, half comic relief, and a total joy to watch as she struts around the stage at the Lyric Theatre.

BroadwayBox caught up with Meahl to talk Marilyn Monroe inspiration, learning Cats backwards, and how the Paramour cast communicates backstage.
1. The thing I love most about Gina:
She totally accepts reality, and she stands up for what and who she believes in.
Strong woman.
2. Three things I need for a two-show-day at Paramour:
A whole bag of Gummies
A sassy dance party with my dressing room ladies before show number two.
3. The movie or musical that first made me want to dance:
Cats! The musical. Then I forced my parents to buy me the DVD. I watched it everyday before dance class and taught myself the choreo whilst standing in front of the TV (meaning everything I know is reversed 😳).
4. My most memorable audition story:
I got an audition for Elle in Legally Blonde but I'm more of a Brooke Wyndham. They didn't want to see me for Brooke so I came to my "Elle" audition in a sports bra with a jump rope and sang the full song and did the original jump rope choreo. Booked it! And gave everyone in the room a good laugh. They were like.. "Okay, we get it Sarah" 😂
5. Most surprising thing about working with Cirque Du Soleil:
I'm surprised by how well our cast communicates with each other on stage and off- all together we represent at least 13 different countries. So many languages, but we know each other so well by now, we have whole conversations with our eyes. It's beautiful and awesome.
6. Classic movie star realness I’m serving you in Paramour:
Gina is serving you 1953 Marilyn Monroe inspired hair and body—a la Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. I even wear a very tight corset with padded hips and booty attached to give me those CURVES!
7. Moment in Paramour that still shocks/thrills me:
I am forever thrilled and horrified by our unicycle act! I can't give it away—but every night I hold my breathe til the end, and then thank the theatre angel painted on the ceiling for keeping my friends safe.
8. Regional role I had the most fun in:
Zaneeta Shina in The Music Man at Walnut Street Theatre. All the bits, all the fouettés!
9. Movie I love so much I know every single word:
Don't laugh—Spice World. Admit it, you know it too...
10. The first person I called when I found out I was making my Broadway debut in Paramour:
I found out while making tuna fish sandwich. I kept it a secret for myself for an hour before I called my awesome boyfriend, Ed Watts.

Head to the Lyric Theatre to see Sarah Meahl's Broadway debut in Cirque du Soleil's Paramour.